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Constructing A Concrete Driveway: Interesting Facts

At an affordable price, concrete construction results in a durable and long-lasting driveway, with the added benefit of an attractive range of possible finishes. Simply ensure that you follow the critical steps of properly preparing your site, hiring a professional to install the concrete, and allowing adequate time for the curing process. What you need to know is as follows:

The Benefits of a Concrete Driveway

Concrete is a low-maintenance material that is both durable and low-maintenance. It will only require an occasional scrub and an annual resealing as directed by the manufacturer to avoid staining and increase weather resistance. If properly installed and maintained, a concrete drive will have a useful life of approximately 25–50 years.


The cost of installing concrete driveways in Sunshine Coast is moderate—slightly more than that of a gravel drive but less than that of pavers. It can cost between $4 and $10 per square foot or more, depending on the complexity of the job, the distance from the cement plant, and whether you opt for a decorative concrete finish.

Technical Specifications

Before beginning your concrete driveway installation, be sure to check your local code requirements for measurements and minimum compressive strength, and have your contractor obtain any necessary permits. The width of a single-car drive is 8–9 feet, and the width of a two-car drive is 15–18 feet.

Both the concrete and its base should be at least 4 inches thick. However, a concrete thickness of 5 inches will provide nearly 50% more strength for only a 20% cost increase.

It is critical that the driveway slopes toward the street at a rate of 14 inches per running foot to ensure proper drainage. A water-reducing admixture reduces the amount of water needed to keep the concrete workable, which makes it stronger and less likely to crack.

Site Preparation

Thorough preparation is necessary to ensure the strength of the concrete driveway. After clearing the area of vegetation, wooden forms must be placed along the perimeter of the future drive’s location, followed by a compacted gravel base. This critical task will ensure that your driveway is level and well-drained.

Concrete Mix

The concrete mix for your driveway should be poured only after the initial prep work is completed. The amount of concrete required is determined not only by the length and width of your slab but also by its thickness. Engage the services of an experienced concrete crew to spread the mix into the wooden forms, reinforce them with steel bars or mesh, and finish the surface. Control joints should be spaced every eight to twelve feet.

The Curing Process for Concrete

Before your concrete driveways in Sunshine Coast are ready for use, they must undergo a process called curing (or “setting up”). Allow a week before driving on the new surface, and don’t seal it or park big cars on it for a whole month. If the weather is warm, lightly spray the drive with your garden hose to keep it moist during this time.

Finishes and colors

The development of designer colors and decorative concrete finishes is an exciting new development in the concrete industry of the twenty-first century. You may wish to make your driveway a design feature of your property, especially if it is highly visible from the street. For instance, you could select a concrete color that complements the material of your home, or you could choose a stamp pattern or a faux brick or tile finish.